
Create AI Slack Bots


The Slack channel allows you and your team to interact with your bot right in your Slack workspace! Your bot can answer questions, summarise whats happened in channels, analyse images and more!


V2 Slack integration

These docs are for our V2 Slack integration. If you need to see documentation for the V1 integration please click here

By enabling the Slack channel for your bot you can add powerful AI assistants straight into your Slack workspace allowing your and your team to access them right where they are working.

  • Give your team access to allow the top models ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, Mistral and more right in Slack.
  • Help your team find answers quicker by allowing them to ask questions with answered powered by your bots knowledge base.
  • Get summaries of everything thats happened in channels while you've been away.
  • Use power-ups and tool calling right from Slack.
  • Combine Chat Things many features to create timesaving Slack agents that can do things like provide high level weekly reports, suggest social media content based on whats happened in your company and loads of other cool use-cases!

Slack quick start

If you want to get set up with Slack quickly, check out the video below:

Connecting your bot to Slack


Before you start

The Slack integration is only available on Standard, Pro and Enterprise plans.

  1. From your bot dashboard, go to the Channels tab and enable the Slack channel by clicking its toggle switch.


  1. You will be taken to the Slack channel's setting page where we need to configure a few things before we you can use your bot in Slack. First choose a name for your bot's Slack app, and its bot user handle. The handle is how you will chat to your bot in Slack like this: @mybothandle and it can be different to the app name.

Change Slack Bot Handle.webp

  1. Create the Slack up by clicking the "Create Slack app" button. This will open the Slack website in a new window. You will then be asked to select a Slack work space to add the bot to. Choose a workspace from the dropdown menu, and click “Next”.

Pick slack workspace

  1. Review the bots permissions, and if you are happy click “Create”.

Review AI Slack Bot Permissions.webp

  1. Your new app will have been added to your workspace. You now need to copy its credentials from Slack to Chat Thing. From the app "Basic Information" page on Slack copy the "Client ID", "Client Secret", and "Signing Secret" into their respective fields on the Chat Thing Slack settings page. Make sure you reveal the client secret and signing secret with the "Show" button before copying otherwise they will have the wrong values.

Slack App Credentials.webp

add the credentials in Chat Thing in the appropriate fields:

Add Slack Credentials to Chat.webp

  1. Once you have copied in the credentials, it's time to install your newly configured app into your Slack workspace by clicking the "Install to workspace" button.

Install Slack App.webp

  1. A new window will open on Slack requesting permission for you new Slack app to access your workspace. Click the "Allow" button to install the app.

Accept Slack Permissions Install (1).webp

  1. Your new bot should now be installed. Assuming eveything has worked you should see a success notification and the "Bot user ID" and "Bot Token" fields should be field in on the Chat Thing Slack channel settings.

Installing Slack Successful.webp

Talking to your bot in Slack

Now that your bot is installed into your workspace you are ready to chat with it! There's a number of different ways you can chat to your bot.

Using your bots @ handle

You can add your bot into any channel or thread and speak to them using their @handle.

Talk to Slack Bot Handle.webp

Its worth noting that your bot will only reply in channels and threads if you use its handle in your message. So if you want to follow up on a response from the bot, make sure @ it again.

Chat via direct messages

If you prefer you can speak to your bot via direct messages. When chatting vai a direct message your don't need to @ your bot, it will respond to every message you send. You can start a direct message with your bot by clicking its name in the "Direct messages" section of the Slack sidebar.

Direct Message Your AI Bot.webp

Using the Slack AI Assistants sidebar

The final way you can chat to your bot is via the Slack AI Assistant sidebar. This is a new area within Slack dedicated to AI assistants and agents, and it opens in a sidebar next to your current channel. You bot will respond directly to any message you post in here. To open the sidebar click your bots name and icon in the top right of Slack.

Slack AI Assistants Sidebar.webp

One of the benefits of chatting to your bot here is that you can start new chats and get a history or your previous chats with the bot.

Slack Assistant History.webp

Changing Slack bot settings

After installing your Slack bot you may want to adjust settings such as its name or icon.

Changing bot icon

You can change your bots icon from "Basic information" section of your Slack app settings on the Slack website.

Change Slack Bot Icon.webp

Changing bot name

The easiest way to change your Slack bot or app's name is to first remove it from Slack, change the name on the Chat Things setting page, and then re-complete the installation steps from step three onwards.

To remove your existing bot from Slack, From your bot’s management page, scroll down and click “Delete App”.

Slack delete app

Slack recipes

Below are instruction on how to achieve common and useful tasks with your Chat Thing AI Slack assistant.

Summarising channels

A really common and useful task for a bot is to help you catch up on what has happened in a channel by asking something like "Can you give me a sumamry of whats happened in the general channel this week?"

When you speak with your bot in a channel it is provided with a limited amount of message history to help it answer your question, so to allow your bot to get more of the chat history to create summaries you need to add the "Slack: Get history" power-up. This power-up allows the bot to get the entire history for any channel it has been added to. Checkout the Slack: Get History Power-up documentation for more.

The slack get history power-up card

Sending messages

You may want your bot to send messages into Slack channel on its own accord, and not directly as a response to a question.

For example you may be talking to the bot in a private channel and could say something like this: "Write me a report on everything thats happened in the ai-project channel this week, and then post it into the general channel".

To allow this to happen you will need to add the "Slack: Send message" power-up that allows the bot to post messages into any channel it has been added to. Checkout the Slack: Send message Power-up documentation for more.


Scheduling Slack messages

Chat Thing AI Slack assistants become extremely powerful when you give them agentic tasks to complete. The perfect example is providing a weekly summary about everything thats gone on in your Slack workspace on a Monday morning ready to review and help you plan for the next week.

This can be achieve by using our task feature to schedule your bot to complete a task every monday morning with a prompt similar to this.

Please generate a Monday morning report on everything that happened in the previous week. 

To generate the report retrieve all of the messages for the previous week in the following slack channels:
* general
* bugatti
* chatthing
* cambridge-heartwear

For the each of these channels provide summary of what has happened, highlight any important actions points that should be followed up, mention individuals if necessary to get responses. For bugatti, chatthing and cambridge-heartwear give each project a traffic light rating on whether things are on track or need attention.

Don't relay the report back, just post it straight into the test-bot channel. 

To complete this task you will need to have added the send message and get history power-ups and added your bot to required channels.

An example of setting of the monday morning Slack summary task
