
Quickstart guide


You should know!

Here you will learn how to create your first custom Chat GPT bot using your own data!

1. Create your first bot


Before you start

Before you can create a bot, you will need to register for a free account:

Once logged in, from the bots page, click the “New bot” button: The new bot button

2. Enter your bot details

You will now be on the new bot form. Here you can enter some basic details about your bot.

Bot Name

You are required to give your bot a name. This will help you identify the bot in the dashboard, and will be displayed at your bot URL.

Bot description

You can add an optional description. This will be displayed beneath the bot name at your bot URL. Markdown is supported here if you want to add links or other formatting.

Bot first message

The first message is the message the bot will send to a user to start a chat.

The new bot form

Example questions

You can help your bot users by adding example questions. These will be displayed in the chat window and act as a shortcut for asking common questions.

Example questions

When you are happy with your settings, click “Create bot” to create your first bot!

3. The bot dashboard

After creating your bot, you will be redirected to the bot dashboard. Here you will find basic information about your bot, such as the number of data sources, and the amount of storage and message tokens it has consumed this month.

On the Data sources tab, you will see the currently connected data sources, and on the Channels tab, you will find enabled channels.

To begin with your bot will have no data source, to make it useful we should add one!

4. Add your first data source

To make your bot useful, you will need to add a data source. Data sources act as the knowledge base and brain for your bot.

Find out more about data sources here:

What is a datasource?

To add a data source, choose the type of data source you would like to connect and then click its “Connect” button.

Depending on how big they are, data sources can take a while to synchronise. Their data will only be available for your bot to answer questions on after they have synchronised.

Data sources

5. Test your bot!

Once you have added a data source and it has synchronised, it's time to test your bot. Click the “Open bot” button in the top right of the bot dashboard and try asking your bot questions!

Open bot

Test bot