Features: RSS Data Source

Create custom
chatbots powered
by your RSS feed

Create always up to date AI bots using the content discovered in your RSS feed!

  • Instant setup: Train your bot on RSS feeds in minutes

  • Automatic updates: Your bot stays current with your latest content

  • Easy integration: Embed your AI assistant anywhere on your site

RSS combined with AI

RSS powered chatbots

AI chabots often rely on a knowledge base that can quickly become out of date. RSS provides the perfect way to continuously train your custom chatbots on your latest content, making sure they answer with the most up to date answers every time.

  • Reduce support queries by providing instant answers

  • Increase engagement with interactive content exploration

  • Enhance user experience with personalized interactions


Empower your content with AI

Discover the benefits of Chat Thing's RSS data source

Quick setup

Create your AI-powered chatbot in minutes, not days

Automatic updates

Your bot stays current with your latest RSS feed content

Multi-source integration

Combine multiple RSS feeds into a single, knowledgeable assistant

Easy embedding

Add your AI chat widget to any page with a simple code snippet

Ready to start creating bots?
Create a free account today.

Create bots that solve all sorts of problems in minutes. Customer support bots, writing buddies, HR bots, API docs bots or what ever Chat Thing you can think of!

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