
Your search for a Chatbase alternative ends here!

Looking for a Chatbase alternative? People switch to from Chatbase to Chat Thing because it offers more features, is easier to use and has better support!

Join the 10,000+ using Chat Thing today.

The AI bot builder you’ve been searching for.

There are hundreds of AI bot builders out there but Chat Thing is built a small team laser focused on making it the easiest to use, most powerful and best value. Its a hard balance that the alternatives fall short at.

So if you in the market for an awesome AI bot building tool and your looking for and alternative to Chatbase keep reading!

TL;DR: Chat Thing is the obvious Chatbase alternative.

Price & Value

Chat Thing is better price and more value for money than Chatbase.

Better Features

Chat Thing has way more features than Chatbase making your bots more powerful.

Design and Usability

Chat Thing is better designed, easier to use and faster than Chatbase.

Chat Thing vs Chatbase

See how how Chat Thing and Chatbase compare in our feature comparison table.

Chat Thing Chatbase
Data sources
File upload
csv, pdf, docx, txt, html, epub
csv, pdf, docx, txt
URLs, Website Crawling, Sitemaps, RSS
URLs, Sitemap
Google Drive
Manual add content via the Chat Thing UI
Daily, Weekly, Monthly scheduled syncs
Embeddable widget, bot page, iFrame
Embeddable widget, bot page
Conversations & Stats
Bot conversations
CSV exports, full text search, response rating filters, date filters, shareable links
Response confidence filter, JSON export
Usage statistics
Charts and visualisations
High: Set colours, light/dark mode, logos, first messages, example questions, language and more.
Low: Set logos, first messages, example questions
AI Response Guards - Check answers using AI
Bot UI in 8 languages
Response sources
Monthly cost
0$ - $299
0$ - $399

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Create bots that solve all sorts of problems in minutes. Customer support bots, writing buddies, HR bots, API docs bots or what ever Chat Thing you can think of!

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